Duetto Piano – Percussion
Γιώργος Χατζημάρκου
George Hadjimarkou
Τάσος Στυλιανού
Tasos Stylianou
Breath of the Mountain
Γιώργος Παπαγεωργίου
Giorgos Papageorgiou
Άντης Σκορδής
Andis Skordis
1 The calm night’s sleep after a busy day is interrupted by worries and stress, creating a mysterious feeling that swells, trying to explain what grotesquely happened during. Despite efforts to ignore it, this feeling is amplified with multiple thoughts as you fall asleep. The alloy of thoughts increases and inevitably becomes a nightmare! Unable to take it any longer, you wake up and scared try to calm down until you fall asleep again.
2 There is no precise description for the work, at least for now.
3 As the fog suffocates the dense forest like black death in the morning, the dry branches crackle, reminiscent of bones – remnants of an old disease. And the fresh soil beside Mahler’s hut sprouts worms and mute daisies. The roar of the storm has covered the narrow path and like a winged Pegasus we are swallowed by the breath of the mountain… as the first thick drops touch the calm waters of the Wörthersee (lake in the province of Carinthia, Austria).
Giorgos Papageorgiou 2024
4 “Σεραζί Σεραζί μουρουτσού χαραντανόνι ανουήδ οσφρίας αριανά αχβίν κανίκου τατά ο παούφ πουρού πορέ πουτουσινάθ παναβατέ ταλαλάδο πάτνο πουλουκί σπεσέ ρουπιέ μανοέ παράκλιτον μαούς.”
The text, which the piece is based on, comes from a spell used in Cyprus folklore towards witches. This spell was used to enchant the witch, along with a snake. The piece suggests a happening where the musicians are a representation of a witch, split in two parts. As the witch hears the chant, each time she gets more intense since the spell is working on her, and the more she listens, the more intense she gets.